Saturday 7 December 2013

To the girl who believed in love, the girl who always dared to live her life by her own rules, the girl who was considerably caring, the girl who gave more than her 100% at her job… Why was life taken away from her? Was it because she was too pressurized about work? Or was it because she would drive more than 40 kilometres every day without wearing a helmet? Does it even matter? Is it that easy for life to be taken away from you?

How helpless she must have felt, struggling between life and death, knowing that she was losing… How helpless the people around her must have felt, knowing that they can do nothing to help her win… Is it that easy for life to lose its grip?

What was she thinking in those last moments? Did she want to live, despite all the pain? Was she trying to survive? Was she trying to fight death? Was she wondering if she would make it? Did she know that she was surrounded by people who cared for her? Did she know that there were people just outside waiting for her to come back?

Endless questions with no answers… Questions that’ll remain unanswered… Because, the one person who could answer them, is now resting in peace. But, disappointment and shock is still creeping through everyone who cared. Will these people ever find closure?

Life and death is a part of this world. But how does one find closure after a sudden tragic death, to which there is no explanation? A death that has left all questions unanswered?

A life has been lost; and all that is left is memories. Memories that’ll never be able to answer scores of questions…

However, irrespective of these unanswered questions, this unexplainable death, this sudden shock, it is perhaps the realization that we have to move on, that makes it difficult. Because as easy as it is to speak of moving on, it is arduous to do, mainly because it was not part of your plan. But, ‘Life is what happens to you, when you’re busy making other plans…! (Her last status on facebook)’

It is easy to showcase bravery, but real bravery is when one can deal with life’s sudden blows gracefully. Her memories will always remain alive, but I have decided to let them be my strength and move on. It is the only way I know I can respect her memories, her life, and her spirit. I know that some questions will remain unanswered, but one of the parts of life is its wondrous mystery, and I am prepared to deal with it.